Marlton UMC 2022 Confirmation Information

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Confirmation Registration
Confirmation Schedule - Coming Soon

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is the public act of acceptance of the Christian faith for students who attend Marlton United Methodist Church. Through Confirmation, students have the opportunity to ask questions, explore their faith, learn more about God, and serve others. At the end of the journey, students are invited to make a commitment to Christ and to become a full member of our church family.

Confirmation classes will be Sundays, 4pm-5pm in person or on Zoom.


Who can attend Confirmation?

Confirmation is more than just classes or a checkbox as a student, confirmation is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to Christ. Typically, you must be in at least seventh grade or 12 years old to join a confirmation class.

We will have confirmation every year that there is at least one seventh-grader or 12-year-old.

Students must be baptized before they can be confirmed, if they have not been baptized, please indicate so on the registration form.


What is expected of me?

Confirmation typically runs during the spring. Due to how much information is shared, you have to attend as many classes as you can, students are able to miss 3 classes before needing to request a special session with Pastor Jesse to catch up. While it is not required that you attend youth group after confirmation class, you are certainly welcomed to.

Additionally, students are expected to attend church 5 times during the year of confirmation, this can occur in person or online in 2022. Students will be tasked with taking notes during the sermon and sending them to Pastor Jesse (more information will be shared about this during the first meeting).

Finally, every confirmation student is required to engage in a service project either by themselves or with a group of students. The service projects will be discussed with Pastor Jesse.